OPC Studio User's Guide and Reference
OPC UA Complex Data reading
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Client and Subscriber Development > Extensions > Integrated Extensions > OPC UA Complex Data Extension > Basic OPC UA Complex Data operations > OPC UA Complex Data reading

To read complex data information, call one of the Read methods on the EasyUAClient Class as usual. When complex data is returned by the client, you will receive a value that is of type UAGenericObject Class, and you will process its contents. The actual generic data is in its GenericData Property.

How precisely you process the received generic data depends on the application. In general, there can be two usage cases:

The example below shows how to read and display OPC UA complex data.


// Shows how to read complex data with OPC UA Complex Data plug-in.
// Find all latest examples here: https://opclabs.doc-that.com/files/onlinedocs/OPCLabs-OpcStudio/Latest/examples.html .

using System;
using OpcLabs.BaseLib.DataTypeModel;
using OpcLabs.EasyOpc.UA;
using OpcLabs.EasyOpc.UA.ComplexData;
using OpcLabs.EasyOpc.UA.OperationModel;

namespace UADocExamples.ComplexData._EasyUAClient
    class ReadValue
        public static void Main1()
            // Define which server and node we will work with.
            UAEndpointDescriptor endpointDescriptor =
            // or "http://opcua.demo-this.com:51211/UA/SampleServer" (currently not supported)
            // or "https://opcua.demo-this.com:51212/UA/SampleServer/"
            UANodeDescriptor nodeDescriptor =
                "nsu=http://test.org/UA/Data/ ;i=10239"; // [ObjectsFolder]/Data.Static.Scalar.StructureValue

            // Instantiate the client object.
            var client = new EasyUAClient();

            // Read a node which returns complex data. This is done in the same way as regular reads - just the data 
            // returned is different.
            object value;
                value = client.ReadValue(endpointDescriptor, nodeDescriptor);
            catch (UAException uaException)
                Console.WriteLine("*** Failure: {0}", uaException.GetBaseException().Message);

            // Display basic information about what we have read.

            // We know that this node returns complex data, so we can type cast to UAGenericObject.
            var genericObject = (UAGenericObject) value;

            // The actual data is in the GenericData property of the UAGenericObject.
            // If we want to see the whole hierarchy of the received complex data, we can format it with the "V" (verbose)
            // specifier. In the debugger, you can view the same by displaying the private DebugView property.
            Console.WriteLine("{0:V}", genericObject.GenericData);

            // For processing the internals of the data, refer to examples for GenericData and DataType classes.

            // .Int32Value
            var int32Value = ((genericObject.GenericData as StructuredData)
                ?.FieldData["Int32Value"] as PrimitiveData)
                ?.Value as int?;
            Console.WriteLine($"Int32Value: {int32Value}");

            // Example output (truncated):
            //(ScalarValueDataType) structured
            //(ScalarValueDataType) structured   
            //  [BooleanValue] (Boolean) primitive; True {System.Boolean}
            //  [ByteStringValue] (ByteString) primitive; System.Byte[] {System.Byte[]}
            //  [ByteValue] (Byte) primitive; 153 {System.Byte}
            //  [DateTimeValue] (DateTime) primitive; 5/11/2013 4:32:00 PM {System.DateTime}
            //  [DoubleValue] (Double) primitive; -8.93178007363702E+27 {System.Double}
            //  [EnumerationValue] (Int32) primitive; 0 {System.Int32}
            //  [ExpandedNodeIdValue] (ExpandedNodeId) structured
            //    [NamespaceURI] (CharArray) primitive; "http://samples.org/UA/memorybuffer/Instance" {System.String}
            //    [NamespaceURISpecified] (Bit) primitive; True {System.Boolean}
            //    [NodeIdType] (NodeIdType) enumeration; 3 (String)
            //    [ServerIndexSpecified] (Bit) primitive; False {System.Boolean}
            //    [String] (StringNodeId) structured
            //      [Identifier] (CharArray) primitive; "????" {System.String}
            //      [NamespaceIndex] (UInt16) primitive; 0 {System.UInt16}
            //  [FloatValue] (Float) primitive; 78.37176 {System.Single}
            //  [GuidValue] (Guid) primitive; 8129cdaf-24d9-8140-64f2-3a6d7a957fd7 {System.Guid}
            //  [Int16Value] (Int16) primitive; 2793 {System.Int16}
            //  [Int32Value] (Int32) primitive; 1133391074 {System.Int32}
            //  [Int64Value] (Int64) primitive; -1039109760798965779 {System.Int64}
            //  [Integer] (Variant) structured
            //    [ArrayDimensionsSpecified] sequence[1]
            //      [0] (Bit) primitive; False {System.Boolean}
            //    [ArrayLengthSpecified] sequence[1]
            //      [0] (Bit) primitive; False {System.Boolean}
            //    [Int64] sequence[1]
            //      [0] (Int64) primitive; 0 {System.Int64}
            //    [VariantType] sequence[6]
            //      [0] (Bit) primitive; False {System.Boolean}
            //      [1] (Bit) primitive; False {System.Boolean}
            //      [2] (Bit) primitive; False {System.Boolean}
            //      [3] (Bit) primitive; True {System.Boolean}
            //      [4] (Bit) primitive; False {System.Boolean}
            //      [5] (Bit) primitive; False {System.Boolean}
            //  [LocalizedTextValue] (LocalizedText) structured
            //    [Locale] (CharArray) primitive; "ko" {System.String}
            //    [LocaleSpecified] (Bit) primitive; True {System.Boolean}
            //    [Reserved1] sequence[6]
            //      [0] (Bit) primitive; False {System.Boolean}
            //      [1] (Bit) primitive; False {System.Boolean}
            //      [2] (Bit) primitive; False {System.Boolean}
            //      [3] (Bit) primitive; False {System.Boolean}
            //      [4] (Bit) primitive; False {System.Boolean}
            //      [5] (Bit) primitive; False {System.Boolean}
            //    [Text] (CharArray) primitive; "? ?? ??+ ??? ??) ?: ???? ?! ?!" {System.String}
            //    [TextSpecified] (Bit) primitive; True {System.Boolean}
            //  [NodeIdValue] (NodeId) structured                                                                               


// Shows how to read complex data with OPC UA Complex Data plug-in.
// Find all latest examples here : https://opclabs.doc-that.com/files/onlinedocs/OPCLabs-OpcStudio/Latest/examples.html .

class procedure ReadValue.Main;
  Client: _EasyUAClient;
  EndpointDescriptor: string;
  GenericObject: _UAGenericObject;
  NodeDescriptor: string;
  Value: OleVariant;
  // Define which server and node we will work with.
  EndpointDescriptor := 
  NodeDescriptor := 'nsu=http://test.org/UA/Data/ ;i=10239';  // [ObjectsFolder]/Data.Static.Scalar.StructureValue

  // Instantiate the client object
  Client := CoEasyUAClient.Create;

  // Read a node which returns complex data. This is done in the same way as regular reads - just the data
  // returned is different.

    Value := Client.ReadValue(EndpointDescriptor, NodeDescriptor);
    on E: EOleException do
      WriteLn(Format('*** Failure: %s', [E.GetBaseException.Message]));

  // Display basic information about what we have read.
  WriteLn('value: ', Value);

  // We know that this node returns complex data, so it is a UAGenericObject.
  GenericObject := IUnknown(Value) as _UAGenericObject;

  // The actual data is in the GenericData property of the UAGenericObject.
  // If we want to see the whole hierarchy of the received complex data, we can format it with the "V" (verbose)
  // specifier. In the debugger, you can view the same by displaying the private DebugView property.
  WriteLn(GenericObject.GenericData.ToString_2['V', nil]);

  // For processing the internals of the data, refer to examples for GenericData and DataType classes.

  // Example output (truncated):
  //(ScalarValueDataType) structured
  //(ScalarValueDataType) structured
  //  [BooleanValue] (Boolean) primitive; True {System.Boolean}
  //  [ByteStringValue] (ByteString) primitive; System.Byte[] {System.Byte[]}
  //  [ByteValue] (Byte) primitive; 153 {System.Byte}
  //  [DateTimeValue] (DateTime) primitive; 5/11/2013 4:32:00 PM {System.DateTime}
  //  [DoubleValue] (Double) primitive; -8.93178007363702E+27 {System.Double}
  //  [EnumerationValue] (Int32) primitive; 0 {System.Int32}
  //  [ExpandedNodeIdValue] (ExpandedNodeId) structured
  //    [NamespaceURI] (CharArray) primitive; "http://samples.org/UA/memorybuffer/Instance" {System.String}
  //    [NamespaceURISpecified] (Bit) primitive; True {System.Boolean}
  //    [NodeIdType] (NodeIdType) enumeration; 3 (String)
  //    [ServerIndexSpecified] (Bit) primitive; False {System.Boolean}
  //    [String] (StringNodeId) structured
  //      [Identifier] (CharArray) primitive; "????" {System.String}
  //      [NamespaceIndex] (UInt16) primitive; 0 {System.UInt16}
  //  [FloatValue] (Float) primitive; 78.37176 {System.Single}
  //  [GuidValue] (Guid) primitive; 8129cdaf-24d9-8140-64f2-3a6d7a957fd7 {System.Guid}
  //  [Int16Value] (Int16) primitive; 2793 {System.Int16}
  //  [Int32Value] (Int32) primitive; 1133391074 {System.Int32}
  //  [Int64Value] (Int64) primitive; -1039109760798965779 {System.Int64}
  //  [Integer] (Variant) structured
  //    [ArrayDimensionsSpecified] sequence[1]
  //      [0] (Bit) primitive; False {System.Boolean}
  //    [ArrayLengthSpecified] sequence[1]
  //      [0] (Bit) primitive; False {System.Boolean}
  //    [Int64] sequence[1]
  //      [0] (Int64) primitive; 0 {System.Int64}
  //    [VariantType] sequence[6]
  //      [0] (Bit) primitive; False {System.Boolean}
  //      [1] (Bit) primitive; False {System.Boolean}
  //      [2] (Bit) primitive; False {System.Boolean}
  //      [3] (Bit) primitive; True {System.Boolean}
  //      [4] (Bit) primitive; False {System.Boolean}
  //      [5] (Bit) primitive; False {System.Boolean}
  //  [LocalizedTextValue] (LocalizedText) structured
  //    [Locale] (CharArray) primitive; "ko" {System.String}
  //    [LocaleSpecified] (Bit) primitive; True {System.Boolean}
  //    [Reserved1] sequence[6]
  //      [0] (Bit) primitive; False {System.Boolean}
  //      [1] (Bit) primitive; False {System.Boolean}
  //      [2] (Bit) primitive; False {System.Boolean}
  //      [3] (Bit) primitive; False {System.Boolean}
  //      [4] (Bit) primitive; False {System.Boolean}
  //      [5] (Bit) primitive; False {System.Boolean}
  //    [Text] (CharArray) primitive; "? ?? ??+ ??? ??) ?: ???? ?! ?!" {System.String}
  //    [TextSpecified] (Bit) primitive; True {System.Boolean}
  //  [NodeIdValue] (NodeId) structured



See Also
